SheiKra – Busch Gardens roller coaster

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Written By Carlos Braga

When it comes to excitement, Busch Gardens is the place to be. There are several roller coasters to choose from and enjoy. THE SheiKra, however, is one of the most captivating attractions in the park.

The Busch gardens is located in Tampa Bay, Florida, about an hour's drive from Orlando. He is part of the SeaWorld group and is the most distant. It's a must for anyone who enjoys fun, even if it's a bit far from the others. city parks.

Now, let's talk about SheiKra?

Sheikra - Busch Gardens roller coaster
Sheikra – Busch Gardens Roller Coaster

well, the roller coaster was developed and designed by the company Bolliger & Mabillard and opened to the public in 2005. It was the first roller coaster dive coaster, that is, made of steel and that has other special characteristics, which we will talk about later.

In 2007, however, it was duly modified to be one of the floorless🇧🇷 In other words, it's a roller coaster that has no floor for your feet to stand on.

Sheikra - Busch Gardens roller coaster
Sheikra – Busch Gardens Roller Coaster

Since then, it has conquered many visitors, those who are in search of, of course, adrenaline.

The rails, for example, are red in color and have blue supports, which gives a very nice contrast to those who see it from the outside and even more so to those who “feel the taste” from inside.

So, the brave ones on duty need to give SheiKra a chance, that's a fact. A lot because it causes several sensations, including butterflies in the stomach. And after you've gone once, it's impossible not to want to go again.

Sheikra - Busch Gardens roller coaster
Sheikra – Busch Gardens Roller Coaster

How is Sheikra

The toy is, in turn, the most famous roller coaster in the park. It is 61 meters high and has a free fall of 90 degrees, reaching over 110 km/h. Have you thought?

Before falling, the cart, which has three rows of eight seats, stops for a period of three seconds. It's that moment you have to regret, lol. But once you get past that part, the adrenaline screams and you just want more and more.

Sheikra - Busch Gardens roller coaster
Sheikra – Busch Gardens Roller Coaster

And it doesn't end there. After going through this surprise, there is one more drop, this one a little smaller, which is also done at 90 degrees. This time, there's no stop, but it's just as cool.

For those who want to feel even more excitement, be sure to go in the front row of the stroller. It is the most intense place to walk around, because when the time comes to fall, you have a privileged view of the entire park.

Therefore, the coolest part, in addition to these falls and the inversion (a way looping), is that your legs are totally loose (yes!). In this way, the seats at the ends, which are six in all, give you this experience of freedom. That is, more than exciting!

Also, SheiKra is 971 meters long (very big!). However, unfortunately, the fun is only 3 minutes long. Very little time, right? When you see it, it's over. However, nothing that takes away the beauty of this attraction. It is a mandatory stop.

Sheikra - Busch Gardens roller coaster
Sheikra – Busch Gardens Roller Coaster

It is important to remember, first of all, that to use the toy you must have a minimum height of 1.40 m.

Knowing a little more about the toy + trivia

If you were curious to know a little more about SheiKra, how about watching a video of the journey? However, I tell you, it is not at all impressive compared to what you feel there, live. You can get a taste of what it's like, but the feeling of venturing into the attraction is much better!

Check out the video of SheiKra at Busch Gardens:

Curiosity: the path of the Sheikra, at a given moment, is in a passage over the water. That way, whoever is outside, watching, takes a real bath.

Curiosity 2: The name SheiKra is based on an African bird of prey, the shikra hawk. This animal is known for diving, in an upright position, to capture prey. Therefore, the reference is more than faithful!

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Curiosity 3: if you went to SheiKra and want to remember that moment, you can buy your photo on the ride through PhotoKey, the park's photo service and application.

Where the attraction is located in Busch Gardens

Well, to find your way around the park, which is huge, you need a map. In it, you will find all the attractions – although there are always changes when a ride opens and such – that you can visit.

SheiKra is located in Stanleyville, which is on the left side of the park. For those who want to start the day already feeling the emotion of the roller coaster, the ideal is to start on that side.

Entering the complex, turn left, go through Morocco, Bird gardens and arrive at Stanleyville🇧🇷 And there it will be, the famous and most feared roller coaster: SheiKra.

In short: anyone going to Orlando needs to go to Busch Gardens and get to know SheiKra and other roller coasters in the park, such as Cheetah hunt, Kumba, Montu etc. We even made a post here on the site about radical attractions. To view, just click on here.

Finally, check out other more recent posts related to Busch Gardens:

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About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

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In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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