Best Time to Visit Disney – The Month by Month Guide

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Written By Carlos Braga

Several factors can affect your trip depending on the time you plan to go to disney such as weather, crowds and events. And to know the best time to visit Disney you need to take all these factors into account, so let's check everything here.

Criteria for List of Best Time to Go to Disney and Orlando

Magic Kingdom - Best time to go to Disney
Magic Kingdom – Best time to go to Disney

As we said, there are many factors that you need to evaluate to choose the best time to go to disney world.

It is necessary to be prepared because these crowds directly affect your days in parks such as Magic Kingdom.

For example, the difference in waiting time in the queue for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train between a green day in February and a red day in January can be more than 2 hours!

There is no shortage of information to help anyone planning to make that decision.

However, there is so much information scattered over the internet, that there is often a lack of a place with a simpler and more direct explanation with all the answers.

This place is here!!!

The first half of the year is very quiet, due to the early release of the Free Disney Dining Plan promotion.

People are putting off travel, and to compensate for this, Walt Disney World is trying to entice them with better deals to try to balance out the first- and second-half bookings a bit.

Woody's Lunchbox - Disney's Dining Plan
Woody's Lunchbox – Disney's Dining Plan

This always happens and we are always following the evolutions and disclosures of openings such as new attractions and so on.

Another very important point is to keep an eye on the attraction maintenance calendar, after all, you don't want to travel to Disney when your favorite attraction is closed for maintenance, right?

But enough with the speculation, let's talk about the Walt Disney World stocking schedules.

Trying to beat the crowds is very common among people who are planning their trips. But we believe in a more holistic approach.

Disney World Parks Capacity Calendar 2022

Before we give our verdict on what the disney month by month, first let's go to the disney calendar 2022.

In this capacity calendar you can get a good idea of the expected capacity level for each date in the Disney parks.

Remembering that this stocking calendar may change along the way and if this is the case, this post will be updated so that it has the most recent data.

So you can make decisions based on data closer to reality.


Green Days – “Empty” Days
Yellow Days – Full days
Red Days – Very busy days

Disney Capacity Calendar 2022

Walt Disney World audience levels can vary and change (a lot), and can never be predicted with 100% accuracy.

As such, you should choose when to visit Disney based on other comfort and fun factors in addition to Walt Disney World calendar statistics.

Certainly this is a more pragmatic and balanced approach to choosing the right dates.

Of course, if you want a more detailed analysis for the assembly of your days, do not hesitate to contact us for the assembly of a Custom script.

Other Factors for Defining the Best Time to Go to Disney World

Empty parks during a time when temperatures are stifling, humidity is beyond limits, and there are no special events.

In fact this should not be considered better than moderate park days but with a climate milder or a fun Disney special event.

Magic Kingdom with a lot of Rain
Magic Kingdom with a lot of Rain

If you know where is Disney World, you know that Florida is a place where the weather varies a lot, hot days can be unbearably hot (and we're from Rio), and cold days can be freezing!

But few people measure the success of their vacation by a “fun quotient,” which is really weighing what matters most to you.

For example, what is less worth it to you, full parks or disney with rain?

So why not do the same when planning and performing a qualitative analysis when choosing travel dates and not relying ONLY on park capacity?

This is all to say, that this is exactly what will be our approach here in this post.

Anyway, to get straight to the point, the purpose of this post is to classify all the months of the year to visit Walt Disney World in light of all the variables that we deem relevant or important.

We think this offers a much more useful feature for anyone planning a Walt Disney World vacation.

So you can adapt it to your circumstances as you see fit.

After all, the best time to go to Disney World is extremely relative to what your group is willing to tolerate.

If you are not sure of the date and would like a more professional consultation, ask us for a personalized itinerary quote for Orlando.

Of course, we took the previous year's statistics into account to write this report.

Best month to go to Disney and Orlando

Of course, we always use information based on the stocking history of previous years together with the news that are expected for the current year.

That said, in 2019 we had a spike in crowds during the winter and spring, including an unexpected bump in January and February.

Unfortunately 2020 and not even 2021 are parameters for future or historical analysis depending on the COVID-19.

Disney's Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot
Disney's Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot

So our analysis is based on events that are taking place or will take place at Walt Disney World and our experience, but one thing is for sure, the next few years are going to be very eventful at Disney.

In fact, we believe that there is no longer any low season at Disney World.

Well, lately things have returned to “normal” at Disney since the end of last year.

Even last year we had below average summer crowds.

Magic Kingdom - Best time to go to Disney
Magic Kingdom – Best time to go to Disney

This wasn't entirely unexpected, as with each passing year, many people are running away from summer at Disney.

They are even the worst months to visit Disney.

August and September were particularly empty.

The crowds became increasingly crowded towards the end of September, with October reaching its “new normal” of heavy crowds.

November and December were also exactly normal in terms of ups and downs.

This is pretty much what we expected.

In 2019 we had a difference in August right after the opening of Galaxy's Edge!

The seasons of Halloween and Christmas have become busier in recent years, while summer has dropped in popularity.

Nath and Carlos with the Seven Dwarfs at Disney's Halloween Party
Nath and Carlos with the Seven Dwarfs at Disney's Halloween Party

We're not sure why January and February were so much busier than usual, but we believe this was an isolated case.

That's according to calendars and statistics.

Nath and I were there in February and took practically ALL of the empty parks.

Even, to give you an idea, in some parks and attractions we didn't even get out of the cart to walk again because there was no one in line.

Factors that may modify the stockings

Before we talk about each of the months in detail, we want to highlight some events that can certainly affect the capacity.

That's because it's important that you keep all the events in mind when booking your trip.

COVID-19 and its variants

Well, open borders and lots of people traveling around the world right?

After the turn of the year, the peaks of COVID cases began to increase due to the new Ômicron variant. Is it cause for concern?

Of course, whenever something could harm your trip, it's good to keep an eye out.

It doesn't mean that your trip will need to be cancelled, but what can happen is that many people will postpone their trips in the future.

This will make certain months that weren't used to be so full possibly get crowded.

Bear in mind that there is a pent-up demand, mainly due to some travel packages that were sold well below the usual price.

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Magic Kingdom 50th Anniversary

It's a long-awaited event.

Disney has made many changes in the park due to this event, including the new painting of the castle was made for this reason.

Cinderella's Castle Themed for Disney's 50th Anniversary

Disney recently released some information about this event.

We know it's going to be 18 months of festivities, so even if you're only traveling in 2022, you'll still be able to catch many of this anniversary's special activities.

We will have Mickey and Minnie with new outfits, a series of new photo spots and much more. Disney should still release more news about it in the coming months.

dollar fluctuation

Undoubtedly this is the factor that will most prevent many tourists from traveling to Orlando soon after the opening of the borders.

Mainly for countries with coins weak against the dollar such as Brazil, Argentina and other Latin American countries.

If the dollar has a strong fall, it is possible that many people will decide to take the opportunity to travel.

Of course, all these factors are purely speculative and something to keep an eye on. It is not possible to predict the impact on % that this will affect park capacity.

Dollars in Orlando
Dollars in Orlando

Remembering, if you need professional help to ensure the success of your family's trip, contact us to assemble the entire itinerary of your trip in our consultancy.

Let's finally go to the month-by-month breakdown to find out more.

Last thoughts

Before we start talking about each month, we mentioned before that we will always keep this post as updated as possible so that you have the latest information to plan your trip.

Disney Fab Statue - 50 years of the Magic Kingdom
Disney Fab Statue – 50 years of the Magic Kingdom

That said, let's go to the final considerations regarding the moment that the parks and the USA find themselves during the pandemic.

It's becoming increasingly clear that Walt Disney World intends to get back to normal in several key ways before the 2022 summer season.

This has even resulted in the relaxation of a variety of health safety rules; face masks are now optional outdoors, temperature checks are gone, among other things.

Physical distancing has also been reduced, which has allowed Walt Disney World to significantly increase the attendance cap.

Disney with Disney's 50th Anniversary Illumination
Disney with Disney's 50th Anniversary Illumination

The good news is that this is also happening at attractions, which means they are operating more efficiently and lines are moving faster.

However, if there is as much pent-up demand as anticipated, it could be that the normally busy summer season will be even more unbearable!

Anyway, let's finally talk about each month!

Disney in August

Do you think the attraction Mission space is insufficient to simulate a visit to Mars?

Then you'll LOVE August at Walt Disney World, when every day feels like a real trip to the red planet!

Disney in August - Lots of Sun and Heat
Disney in August – Lots of Sun and Heat

The hot, humid and stormy weather typifies August in Central Florida, and that alone makes August the worst month to visit.

The last week of August is potentially the worst week of the year to visit Walt Disney World.

In addition to the weather, it marks the end of the prices of tickets for the ?Peak Season?.

Which means people who put off their visits to save money will start going to the parks.

Rapunzel Tower - Disney in August
Rapunzel Tower – Disney in August

Plus we'll still have Star Wars Galaxy's Edge right around this time!

Furthermore, the "stations" of halloween and Epcot Food & Wine Festival begin at the end of August, which causes mass peaks (and gaps) in the Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

It should still be moderate in terms of crowds, but even worse than the previous two months.

Disney in July

If you don't have any other options, maybe you can feel better about a July trip to Walt Disney World.

Like August, it is also a VERY hot month.

Disney's 4th of July - When is the best time to go to Disney?
Disney's 4th of July – When is the Best Time to Go to Disney?

One advantage is that for two consecutive summers we have below average attendance levels, so now we are prepared for everyone to call this the “new normal”.

Crowds are expected to increase around American Independence Day.

The positive side is that there are special holiday entertainment and fireworks on this day.

Still, July is not a good month to visit if only because of the heat and humidity.

And let's remember that at the moment the restrictions measures due to COVID are being reduced which can lead to extreme capacity for July 2022.

Disney's Grand Floridian Hotel View in Rain - Best time to go to Disney
Disney's Grand Floridian Hotel View in Rain – Best time to go to Disney

Remember that “even a rainy and potentially crowded day at Walt Disney World is better than a perfect day at home”.

And of course, if you're going at that time, be sure to take a raincoat to the parks!

So you don't get too discouraged on your trip if it's already booked.

Disney in June

Another month of summer, curious isn't it? The upside for June is that, as in July, summer crowds now seem like a thing of the past.

At least until Walt Disney World corrects itself with changes in the pricing model.

Disney in June - When is the Best Time to Go to Disney
Disney in June – When is the best time to go to Disney?

But in June the problem is not only the heat, but also the rain.

The average monthly rainfall in June at Walt Disney World is greater than 20cm and the probability of rain on any given day is greater than 50%.

Thus, it will rain in half the days of your trip.

Therefore, we recommend fresh clothes, preferably dry fit because if you sweat or get wet they will dry quickly.

It is clear, rain coats!

Magic Kingdom with Rain - When is the best time to go to Disney and Orlando
Magic Kingdom with Rain – When is the best time to go to Disney and Orlando

June is the first month of the year when we see that the choice of hotel makes a huge difference.

Particularly in terms of pool quality and proximity to the parks.

summing up, in the analysis to know the best time to go Disney World, American summer vacations come last.

Disney in April

Easter will be in April every year until 2024, it's a month we recommend avoiding if you don't like long lines.

The entire month will be above average in terms of capacity.

Disney in April - Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot - When is the Best Time to Go to Disney
Disney in April – Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot – When is the Best Time to Go to Disney

It is even worth mentioning that the weeks leading up to Easter will be incredibly busy!

You better be ready for some intense melee combat when you run to attractions like Frozen Ever After, Flight os Passage or Seven Dwarfs Mine Train right at the opening of the park!

Disney in October

If we were making this list 5 or more years ago, October would likely be at number one.

With much better weather than September, and with Halloween and Food & Wine Festival rolling at the same time.

Jack Skellington at Disney's Halloween Party
Jack Skellington at Disney's Halloween Party

The truth is that October is now the busiest month of the year at Walt Disney World in terms of average wait times.

It is so busy that the entire month is blocked for the free dining plan and other discounts they are difficult.

Audience levels, along with the lack of discounts, push the month of October to the middle of this list.

Mickey's not so Scary Halloween Party - When is the best time to go to Disney?
Mickey's not so Scary Halloween Party – When is the best time to go to Disney?

While it doesn't have the same obscene wait times as Christmas Eve, New Year or Christmas, October is a month that is consistently packed, and without any real relief.
Given your choice, go to Disney in September rather than October.

Disney in May

After our June, July and August descriptions, which weren't exactly positive indications.

It is possible that you may have very similar concerns regarding May.

Memorial Day at Disney in May
Memorial Day at Disney in May

Fortunately, it's not as bad as the other months mentioned at the beginning of this list, as the entire month falls before the summer tourist season.

In fact, there are a decent amount of upsides, as the month of May marks the transition to summer.

With park hours getting longer and any new summer entertainment typically debuting on or before Memorial Day.

Even with Memorial Day weekend included in the mix, crowdings are below average in May.

This season tends to get a little crowded as some people are trying to avoid the high season price spikes.

However, it won't be as crowded as it is in high season like June and July as many people can't visit before the school term is over.

Disney in May - Mickey Mouse at Hollywood Studios
Disney in May – Mickey Mouse at Hollywood Studios

The downside is that the heat and humidity can really start to intensify in May.

This is the first month of the year during which it is not uncommon to see temperatures reach 32°C (90°F) and the humidity reaches high levels.

That is, take very light clothes such as gym clothes and dry fit blouses.

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But overall, May is not a bad month at all and deserves a decent spot on our list of the best time to go to Disney World..

disney in march

Easter doesn't fall again in March until 2024.

As a result, most American schools use Easter as a substitute for spring break.

Disney in March - Flower and Garden Festival - One of the Best Times to Go to Disney
Disney in March – Flower and Garden Festival – One of the Best Times to Go to Disney

Which means that March is typically the least common school Spring Break month.

Still, March is above average in terms of crowds due to University Spring Breaks.

It becomes the most crowded month of the year in the rare years that Easter falls within the month.

Aside from the crowds, the weather is typically temperate in March, as evidenced by the start of the Epcot Festival.

Disney in March - Flower and Garden Festival - One of the Best Times to Go to Disney
Disney in March – Flower and Garden Festival – One of the Best Times to Go to Disney

Regardless of the year, we are big fans of late February.

The beginning of March dates as a great time.

With its cool weather, low to moderate crowds and the Flower & Garden at Epcot.

Warranty of a mild climate and few crowds

Disney in January

We often describe January as the ?holiday hangover? at Walt Disney World.

It's like Walt Disney World ate too many Christmas cookies. Now she's too lazy to get off the couch and remove last year's decorations.

Disney World in January - When is the best time to go to Disney?
Disney World in January – When is the best time to go to Disney?

After New Years and the WDW Marathon's large crowds head home, the place feels hung over.

The disadvantage is that the decorations of Christmas are far beyond the conclusion of Christmas. It's even weird that they're still there.

However, for those who have never seen them, it can be an excellent opportunity to see them.

The weather can be cold, but it's better than hot and humid! 

Therefore, we recommend that you prepare your suitcase for some colder days, take Coats or Jackets and jackets.

The positive side of this is that the crowds are quite slow, especially towards the end of the month.

We had a big increase in capacity in these months in 2022, however we expect that January and February return to normal for the following years.

And as we said earlier, February was the year we went, it was VERY quiet.

Disney World in January - When is the best time to go to Disney?
Disney World in January – When is the best time to go to Disney?

The end of January, in particular, is one of our favorite times of the year at Walt Disney World.

Low crowds, Christmas decorations are taken away and the best chance for better weather, it gets less cold.

All things considered, January is still one of the best months to go, especially if you can avoid the Martin Luther King holiday.

Disney in December

December was second on this list for a while.

But because of the last few years, we had to move December to fourth place.

Disney in December - When is the best time to go to Disney?
Disney in December – When is the best time to go to Disney?

Come on, the beginning of the month is still empty, not like it used to be, but still relatively empty.

It looks like the secret has been outed, and that combined with Disney's more strategic use of block dates and dynamic ticket prices. tickets, moved the crowd to the first week of December.

Crowds are still not as bad as October or other peak seasons.

However, it is no longer the ghost town it used to be.

We still see the first two weeks of the month as very desirable times to visit.

Low crowds and Christmas decorations and entertainment are the big highlights here.

Of course, it's a relatively cold time, so don't forget to pack your coats.

Disney in December - When is the best time to go to Disney and Orlando
Disney in December – When is the best time to go to Disney and Orlando

The only thing keeping December off the top is the hellish crowd that arrives at Walt Disney World in the week leading up to Christmas and only increases until New Year's Day.

But despite all the controversies, December is number 4 on our list of the best time to go to Disney World.

Disney in february

If the end of January is the best time of that month, we can conclude that February is better than January.

This statement is largely true, with the only 2 exceptions.

The first being Super Bowl weekend. 

That contrary to urban legend, parks are not empty during the Super Bowl.

Second is the Presidents Day week.

Overall, the crowds are a little louder than January, but still pretty empty.

However, from our point of view, this is more than offset by the improved climate and all parks getting the ?decorations? from Christmas.

Tower of Terror at Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World
Tower of Terror at Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World

It's not a good time if the focus is on attending some seasonal event (except for the arts festival at Epcot).

However, it is a good time to see Walt Disney World in its “normal” state.

February moved up one position on our list of Best time to go to disney for third place!

Disney in September

Best month to visit disney when judged based on crowds alone.

September is one of the best months of the year.

Aside from Labor Day, which is actually less crowded than expected. September is relatively empty, especially at the beginning of the month.

You could say that September is like the lull before the storm it's october.

Epcot Food & Wine Festival
Epcot Food & Wine Festival

September is also the first full month of the Halloween seasons and Food & Wine Festival

Of course, if you're going to have a Disney Halloween party, be sure to go. costumed!

These are some decisive and favorable points.

September will likely be a lull.

One downside for September is the weather! But even that is trending in the right direction.

Still, the heat and humidity make the outside air unpleasant, and it's also often stormy season.

Disney's Halloween in September
Disney's Halloween in September

Maybe it's worth taking a risk for the low crowds, especially towards the end of the month.

And with that, September took second place on our list of Best time to go to Disney, being one of the 3 best months to visit disney.

Disney in November

Except for Thanksgiving Week and Jersey Week, neither of which are as bad as Christmas and New Year's weeks.

Mainly in terms of absurd crowding, November is very similar to the beginning of December.

Mid-November is a great time to visit Walt Disney World.

Christmas at Magic Kingdom - Best time to go to Disney
Christmas at Magic Kingdom – Best time to go to Disney

While the week after Thanksgiving was a little high last year.

The other advantages for November are: the climate is generally more temperate. While December can be too cold at times.

The Food & Wine Festival is underway.

The biggest downside is that not all Christmas entertainment starts until after Thanksgiving.

Even some decorations hotels are not working so far.

If low crowds and more temperate climates speak louder to you.

It certainly must be easy to see how the month of November lands at the top of our list of the best time to go to Disney World.

What did you think of our list of the best time to go to Disney World?

Do you agree or disagree with our month-to-month list?

Is there a month that you think is better or worse than another month other than how we rank?

If so, send it to us!

Also don't forget to leave it in the comments to know we're on the right track!

We wish you all an excellent planning. And don't forget, if you need a more specific consultancy, it will be a pleasure to do yours. Custom Script for Orlando!

Taking advantage, you already know our youtube channel? There we show our adventures when we are visiting Orlando!

Kisses and until next time

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

21 thoughts on “Melhor época para visitar a Disney – O Guia Mês a Mês”

  1. Hello, I found the information very interesting. Soy de Chile y quiero llevar a mis hijos for the first time to disney world. If it was December, the second week I recommended it, it would be better at the end of February or the first week of March. I want to go for 7 days.

    • Hello Mariela, how are you? Among the options planned for a week, we recommend the finales of Febrero. In addition to a much smaller capacity than in December and not to mention that the temperature will be much more pleasant and in the cold tan. The first week of March is also recommended, but between March and Febro, Febrero is less crowded.

  2. Hello, how are you? very interesting what you say, so noviembre would be a good time to go? (I was thinking of going to the last week of August) I want to go with my mother and my 2 children I am from Chile, you could help me with what days of November to leave.. since ya muchas gracias!

    • Hello Kari! All good? November of this year 2021 should be relatively full due to the pandemic if the borders open up. However, for the next year (2022) we believe that the capacity will return to normality and with this whole month of November it can be a great option for your trip. The beginning of the new year will be more empty than the end!

  3. Hello Carlos, excellent your article, I am from Ecuador and I have a plan to travel from the 26th of December 2021 to the 4th of December what suggestion can you give me for the night of Año Nuevo? Voy with misa children of 19 and 14 years old

  4. Hola! What's the point of going to Disney with 5y4 year olds?
    Will you be able to enjoy the best we wait a few more years??
    In the memory if they could climb to los juegos, los dos ya superan el meter of stature.
    I look forward to your comments!!! thanks

    • Hola!
      It really depends on the temperament and height of the children. There are children who, even small children, do not have much fear and will be mounted on all the attractions that their height allows, but others are more easily frightened. In case of doubt, I recommend waiting at least one more year, better to ensure that the trip is as fruitful as possible for the children. Check the height limit of all Disney attractions:

  5. Good Morning
    I'm going with the family to Orlando on the 29th of this month. 10 days to go (if all goes well and covid lets it! ). Should I buy tickets now?? Or wait a few more days??

  6. Hola! We have travels to mía el 11 de marzo, landing on 12…the idea is to go to Disney 13 y 14 de marzo? he read that es la peor closure…es TAN ASÍ? should you change it to the 18th and 19th of March?? o will be lo mismo (by spring break)
    help plis?

    many thanks <3

  7. Hola!
    We had a trip to Miami from the 12th to the 22nd of March…we were thinking of going to Disney on the 13th and 14th…but I was reading that it was the PEOR time and I was going to go with my 6th birthday… would it be good to change it to the 18th and 19th of March? or will it be the mismo… do I need guidance?

    thank you

    • Hello Catalina, how are you?

      Spring Break is really one of the worst times to go to hacinamiento.
      If you can easily change everything, such as the air fare, the ticket schedule, the car and the hotel, it could be a good idea.

  8. Hello Carlos, what's new?
    Consultation, which recommend the first day of arrival (the flight arrives in the morning) and the next day of the parks.
    Additional what would be the best way to move from the airport to the Disney resort (Minnie Van, Uber, Lift or Bus)
    What do you think about having breakfast at the hotel or at the parks, taking advantage of the early 30min ticket before arriving.

    • Hello! All good?
      It depends on where you stay and how many people there are in your group. It might be worth taking an uber, a transport service or a bus that takes you to Disney hotels (
      About the breakfast, it is a personal theme where you want to eat, there are parks where you can have breakfast that is worth it, but in general we recommend that you use the entrance 30 minutes before, preferably take this time to do so. the most popular attractions in the parks! =)


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