Disney Paris – What are the Best Attractions

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Written By Carlos Braga

The Disney Paris It is one of the units with very famous theme parks. After all, it is responsible for enchanting large audiences with its magic, as well as being an unmissable destination for all ages. Therefore, find out what its main attractions are.

What is Disney Paris?

Disney Paris, also known as Euro Disney Resort or Disneyland Paris, is one of the most famous resorts. Therefore, its location is close to the French capital and offers two theme parks:

  • Disneyland Park;
  • Walt Disney Studios Park.

Not only does it have great attractions and lots of entertainment, but it also has an atmosphere that combines the best of French culture. Therefore, tourists can count on delicious themed dishes. As well, it is possible to feel part of fairy tales.

Whether the most loyal Disney fans or those who are just curious to know more, it is possible to enjoy a magical experience. In fact, it is the place that promises a unique and unforgettable journey for its visitors.

The resort of Disneyland Paris It is also known as one of the largest entertainment complexes in Europe. Well, its large area is made up of two large parks, in addition to its attractions. Finally, it is the complete destination for all ages and tastes.

Disneyland park

Disneyland Park Paris, also known as Parc Disneyland, is the most famous of the region's theme parks. In fact, it is worth highlighting its location close to the capital, as well as its main focus, which is to take tourists to the world of fairy tales.

Overall, the space offers a wide variety of attractions, as well as romantic restaurants. We can also highlight the big parades and night shows. However, the most emotional moment is the meeting with the characters.

Walt Disney Studios Park

Walt Disney Studios Park is an enchanting theme park that is part of the Disney resort. Disney in Paris. Therefore, it is necessary to point out that tourists know the behind-the-scenes of film productions. In addition to seeing attractions inspired by the great classics.

Visitors also have the opportunity to enjoy the best interactive experiences. After all, there is a way to discover the secrets behind the special effects, as well as see the shows live. Ultimately, it is a magical place and imagination dominates reality.

Disney Paris: best attractions
Big Thunder Mountain is one of the attractions at Disney Paris. Image of Disneyland Paris

What are the best Disney attractions in Paris?

The best Disney attractions in Paris offer a mix of magic and adventure, the most famous being Big Thunder Mountain. Thus, the entire space offers unforgettable experiences for all ages. 

See what other entertainment is available on site:

  • Big Thunder Mountain;
  • Ratatouille: The Adventure;
  • Pirates of the Caribbean;
  • Phantom Manor;
  • It's a Small World.

These attractions are responsible for enchanting and amusing all of its visitors. With this, it is possible to explore magical worlds, in addition to embarking on exciting adventures. All in all, it is an incredible experience that will remain in the memories of tourists.

Big thunder mountain

Big Thunder Mountain is Disneyland Park's thrilling roller coaster. In fact, its biggest inspiration is the Wild West theme and anyone who ventures into this haunted gold mine on a runaway train is guaranteed a good dose of adrenaline.

Ratatouille: The Adventure

The Ratatouille: The Adventure is one of the most exciting attractions at Walt Disney Studios Park, as it makes use of 4D effects. So, be sure to join this adventure inspired by the film. Complete with sounds and smells, you will be transported to the scene of Ratatouille.

Pirates of The Caribbean

Pirates of The Caribbean is an iconic boat-shaped attraction at Disney Paris, inspired by the film saga Pirates of the Caribbean. Thus, it is responsible for taking its visitors on an incredible journey into the pirate world on a mini cruise.

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Phantom Manor

Phantom Manor is an attraction in Disneyland Park shaped like a haunted mansion. So, learn the story of Melanie Ravenswood and keep an eye out for ghosts, as well as the spirits that surround this residence.

Disney Paris: best attractions
Phantom Manor is one of the attractions at Disney Paris. Image of Disneyland Paris

It's a Small World

It's a Small World is a classic and charming attraction that can be found in several Disney parks around the world. However, Paris stands out for celebrating cultural diversity and harmony. So, it is possible to go on a musical boat ride with the whole family.

What sets Disney Paris attractions apart?

What sets Disney Paris attractions apart is that they mix magic with a European cultural touch. This way, it is possible to live the best experiences through its unique details. Check out why they attract people from all over the world:

  • authentic and realistic scenarios inspired by films;
  • exclusive attractions in theme parks;
  • French cultural touch in several attractions;
  • there are narrations in several different languages;
  • thematic experiences engage visitors in an immersive way;
  • exclusive festivals and parades in the parks.

The resort stands out for offering a wide variety of special attractions to engage tourists. Therefore, you need to know that there is an ideal balance between the magic of the Disney universe and European culture. Therefore, it enchants people from all over the world.

Is Disney Paris worth visiting?

Investing in a trip to Disney in Paris could be the best experience for your whole family. Well, the Disneyland resort offers a wide variety of entertainment for everyone. 

The location close to Paris allows visitors to take advantage of the time to explore the French capital. Therefore, there is a combination of fun at Disney theme parks with cultural richness. Therefore, there is a way to make the trip attractive to all ages.

It is essential to take into account the costs involved, as expenses go beyond park tickets. In other words, there is the issue of accommodation and food. Therefore, the ideal is to plan well to have a complete experience.

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About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!