American Girl Orlando: Amazing Dolls

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Written By Carlos Braga

The American Girl Orlando is one of Shops most famous from all over the place. However, it is common to find many Brazilians who still do not know this space.

Then follow a complete guide with everything you need to know about it.

Find out what is American Girl Orlando?

Several people describe this place as a "doll shop". In fact, it is much more than that, it is an environment capable of leaving anyone enchanted.

Thus, this space offers an incredible experience for children who like these toys.

Even though this is a dedicated place for little ones, most adults who visit it are also impressed.

In this way, those who decide to visit this place can be prepared to feel like taking several dolls at once.

A complete experience for children

The most interesting thing is that they also sell accessories there. So, there are clothes, shoes, trousseau, among others. In addition, this is a store that thinks about diversity and runs away from standards.

Therefore, you will find dolls with different skin tones and with disabilities as well. This is a very effective way to make the little one feel represented, whatever he may be. Therefore, this is a visit that is very worthwhile.

doll collections

All products are very well divided according to the preference and age of the little ones. That way, people can find the dolls there separated by collections, for example:

  • Truly Me;
  • Be Forever;
  • Bitty Baby;
  • Bitty Twins.

Each of these lines is aimed at children with different age ranges. Thus, the first two are for those over eight years old and the last are the options for those over three years old. 


There is also a doll that is sold annually, the Girl of The Year. So, the brand offers this toy around US$ 120. Incidentally, it is considered a collector's item.

Check out each alternative of these collections in detail in the next topics.

1 – American Girl Orlando: Truly Me

This is without a doubt the most famous collection in the entire store. So, just to get an idea, there are more than 40 different models.

Soon, children have many options and can choose the doll they find most interesting.

The toys are of the most diverse so that each little one can feel represented.

In this way, it is possible to find dolls with different skin tones, hair and eye color.

One of the things that most enchants the public is the chance to have a toy with its characteristics. However, being the best known collection also has an impact on the price issue. Thus, each doll costs around US$ 115.

2 – Be Forever

This is a collection for little ones who enjoy a more impactful toy. That's because, Be Forever da American Girl Orlando features personalized dolls that tell the story of the United States.

The cool thing is that each model will represent a girl and her important role in American society. Also, this is considered a great alternative by many parents who want to inspire their children to follow their dreams.

Each doll has a trajectory that shows how important it is to have goals. Now, those who want to acquire a Be Forever member better prepare their pockets. After all, there are toys that cost up to US$ 150.

3 – American Girl Orlando: Bitty Baby

In this collection are the baby dolls. Including, she is one of the sweetest among the little ones. Despite not having as many models available as in other lines, Bitty Baby is still an absurd success.

There are 11 different dolls for the child to choose which one catches their attention the most. Also, each toy costs an average of US$ 60.

However, there is an option to buy the trousseau together, which makes the value rise to US$ 170.

Anyway, this is an option that will accompany the child for many years. As in the other collections, the products are of extreme quality. Therefore, such a purchase is almost an investment, since this toy has high durability.

4 – Bitty Twins

As the name suggests, this collection offers twin babies. In this way, the child can choose whether he wants dolls with the same sex or different.

Still, this line has more model options than Bitty Baby.

Since here the little one takes two dolls, the price is expected to be a little higher. Thus, those who decide to purchase this product need to pay from US$ 125.

There is also the possibility to buy accessories together at American Girl Orlando.

In this case, each element is worth around US$ 100. Therefore, this collection configures some of the most expensive products in the entire store.

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American Girl Orlando: accessories and pets for the dolls

This is not a store that sells only dolls. Thus, the child can buy everything he wants to decorate his toy. See some of the options that are available.

  • Clothes;
  • Shoes;
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Pets.

See how it is possible to customize the product in the way that is most interesting for the child. Also, it is worth remembering that all these alternatives and accessories are not in a package and you must pay for each item.

1 – Clothes

In the store there are clothes of the most diverse types. In addition, the little ones can match their clothes with those of their doll. That's because, there sells exclusive models for this.

Now, it is one of the most expensive alternatives that the environment offers to its customers.

Just to give you an idea, a single pair of leggings costs on average US$ 10.

However, for those willing to make the most of this experience, this is a very worthwhile investment. Still, there are pajamas, party clothes, costumes, among others.

2 – American Girl Orlando: shoes

Boots, sneakers and very different shoes are also part of the range of options inside the store. So, after buying the ideal clothes for the doll, it's time to see which of these models suits her best.

The cool thing about these options is that the child has the most fun. Moreover, in order to take a new shoe, it is not at all necessary to buy a doll. Then you can go to American Girl Orlando just to purchase these accessories.

3 - Furniture

Cabinets, kitchen, stove, tables and dozens of other furniture are available for the dolls. In this way, the imagination of the little ones has no limits and they can choose whatever they want to play with their new friend.

This session is one of the most expensive in the entire space. On the other hand, the number of options is so large that many do not know what to take. Therefore, a tip is to observe everything very calmly before choosing.

4 – American Girl Orlando: toys

Carriages and the most diverse scenery are in this part of the store. Then, realize how the final toy is the child's own construction. She chooses what accompanies her doll.

Of course, this is a cost that needs to be calculated. However, for tourists, this is a very special place and deserves to be visited at least once on the trip. This goes especially for those who want to please their children.

5 – Pets

Dog, cat and horse are some examples of animals that children can choose to accompany their doll. In short, there are so many possible combinations that it's hard to choose which one is the coolest. But, all plush.

Finally, the American Girl Orlando also sells other accessories such as hearing aids and wheelchairs. Thus, this is yet another proof of how the place cares about issues of representativeness.


Services you find at American Girl Orlando

The products are not the only interesting things about this store. In addition, she offers a series of services for the dolls, who usually leave children, and even adults, enchanted.

They are aimed at making the experience with the new toy complete. Also, it is worth remembering that these alternatives are also paid. So, take a look at the services that the place offers.

  • Piercing;
  • Beauty salon;
  • Hospital;
  • Spa;
  • Restaurant.

In the next ones, discover how each one of them works in great detail. Then, see which ones caught your attention the most and get ready to get to know them up close.

1 – Piercing

The dolls are all customizable, so the child can choose how they want the toy to look. So, it is possible to apply a series of interesting accessories and piercing is one of them.

A curiosity is that you can buy the earrings in the store, without having to travel. In addition, drilling is also done on site by an employee of the establishment.

Finally, this service costs an additional US$16. Therefore, it is one of the cheapest alternatives among all the others that the environment offers. It is worth at least taking a look at the earrings that are on sale.

2 – American Girl Orlando: beauty salon

The lounge is a favorite space for many children. After all, playing with changing the look of dolls is very interesting. So, in this place it is possible to do several hairstyles like braids and brush.

It is a great option for those who want to have more fun with the product and make better use of the space. Now, it's better to prepare yourself regarding the price, considering that this service is not the cheapest.

Prices are very diverse and range from US$ 10 to US$ 25. Even so, it is an experience that is very worthwhile. So, who wants to please the little ones, the beauty salon American Girl Orlando it's a pretty cool alternative.

3 – Hospital 

This environment has several doctors who will attend to the dolls of the little ones. Still, bodily injuries and some ligament problems are handled there. Therefore, if the toy needs any care, the hospital is open to receive it.

Now, this is a service that has an additional cost. In addition, patients already leave this place with combed hair and clean skin. However, tourists do not always manage to enjoy the hospital.

That's because, to enjoy it, you need to live in Orlando or stay there for at least three weeks. After all, after being discharged, the doll will be sent directly to an address in the city.

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4 – American Girl Orlando: SPA

A perfect place for anyone who wants to give a special treatment to their toy. In this way, the spa has exfoliation for the face and legs. In addition, doll owners get some very interesting gifts.

Cucumber mask, eye patches and beauty salon cape are some examples. Also, bandana and nail decals are included in the winnings package for the little ones.

As with all other service options, the spa also has an additional cost. Therefore, those accompanying children need to pay a fee of US$ 15. 

5 – Restaurant

The American Girl Bistrô is the store's restaurant and has several options on its menu. That way, kids and their dolls can have the most fun. Including, this is one of the most famous services offered.

Many little ones who are going to buy their toy want to check out this environment. However, you have to be careful not to get frustrated. This is because, before visiting the restaurant, the person needs to make a reservation.

Now, all you have to do is call the store and make an appointment. Also, it is possible to be present through the official American Girl page. Therefore, you are left with no alternative to discover this incredible space.

American Girl Orlando: birthday celebration

Because it is a very famous space, children dream of visiting it and enjoying the dolls. However, few people know that it is possible to hold birthday parties there.

It is possible to have an amazing time as the whole environment is charming for the little ones. Now, it is necessary to arrange the event with the store team well in advance. Otherwise, the experience is magical.

Who is visiting the city and has a birthday child, it is worth investing in this celebration. That way, you can be absolutely sure that she won't forget this moment. So, just program yourself with your finances and enjoy all the space.

Known as a store with high prices

One of the things that frighten some Brazilians who visit the American Girl Orlando first, is the price. Indeed, the products and services offered in this store are far from the cheapest.

Even when comparing with other spaces, it is possible to observe the difference in values. However, it is worth remembering that American Girl is not just a simple establishment.

It provides an entire experience, which is magical for its audience, especially children. That way, you go there to do much more than shopping regular. Therefore, it is essential to take this into account before choosing whether or not to visit this place.

American Girl Orlando opening hours

There's nothing more frustrating than wanting to know a space and when you get there, it's closed. That way, it's very important to prepare before leaving home. So, in the case of this store, it has very wide opening hours, you see.

  • Monday to Thursday: 10 am to 8 pm;
  • Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 9 pm;
  • Sunday: 11am to 7pm.

Contact the site team

If there is any doubt about the space or you have a problem, that's fine. So, just seek help from a store employee. For this, there are some contact options, check it out.

  • Telephone: 800-845-0005;
  • E-mail available on the official website of the establishment.

The American Girl Orlando it even offers a warranty system to its buyers. Therefore, if you encounter problems with the product, just contact the space. 

Together, you will discuss a win-win solution for both parties. Also, this is a promise made by the store itself, so the intention is to avoid unwanted unforeseen events.

American Girl Orlando: shopping tips

Not everyone chooses to take an accessory from each session inside the store. Soon, there are some tips that will help you list what would be most interesting for the child.

1 – Personal tastes

It's really cool to always think about the little ones favorite pranks. So if they like princesses and magical universes, a costume would be a very interesting alternative to accompany the doll.

2 – Accessories that make the difference

Imagine a child who needs a wheelchair. Having a doll just like her will help a lot when it comes to feeling represented. Thus, the same logic applies to any and all other disabilities.

3 – Budget is everything

Create a spending limit, this will be essential to control your money and budget in general. So, before visiting American Girl Orlando it is worth thinking about how much you are willing to invest in a toy for your child.

Enjoy all the best at American Girl Orlando

These are all the shopping alternatives this store offers. Thus, notice how she is able to leave the eyes of the little ones shining with so much happiness.

Therefore, when traveling to Orlando, be sure to stop by this almost magical environment.

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About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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