Ezoic vs Adsense | Earnings from Travel Blog Ads

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Written By Carlos Braga

I thought long and hard before making this post and sharing earnings from this travel blog with Ezoic (and previously with Adsense).

Sharing earnings reports from any platform is exposure, I know that.

The intention here is in no way to brag about my gains, because they are still relatively small compared to several I've seen around.

The intention is to help people who are evaluating alternatives to adsense and evaluating if it could be better for them.

And taking advantage of what I touched on at this point, the first thing I'm going to say is, even sites in the same niche can have completely different results. This goes for everything, advertising earnings, affiliates, etc.

So, don't expect results identical to mine, they can vary both for more and for less.

Several factors come in here, some of them are clear and direct, such as where your traffic comes from, because Google traffic usually has a much better performance than traffic coming from facebook, for example.

Another factor is the location of your traffic, is it public from Brazil, the United States, Asia?

Another factor is the setup of the ads, how many ads per page, the size of your posts and even your type of writing.

Anyway, this is all to say that no blog or website has all parameters identical, they will always be different.

If you already want to submit your site for review on Ezoic, click here.

But enough rambling, let's get to our analysis.

Is it worth switching from Adsense to Ezoic?

I thought if I would put my opinion about it at the end, but I decided to put it right at the beginning of this post in order to pass my true opinion.

If you ask me if it's worth it, my answer is simple and straightforward based on my result! Yes, worth switching!

But I would like to point out some details that will be important for you if you want to make this exchange.

The first thing is that it is not exactly an exchange as you will link your Adsense account to Ezoic and it will auction the best ads to show to your readers.

The earnings will all be directly on Ezoic and nothing else on adsense, but on your site you will no doubt see ads coming from adsense still.

The second thing I need to point out is that if you want urgent results, don't make this switch!


The Ezoic is an artificial intelligence platform to increase your earnings, that means that it will do a series of tests on your website in order to verify the best configuration for it to yield more.

And naturally this doesn't happen overnight, he needs to perform these tests and evaluate the results and keep testing.

I've seen people with good sites and great traffic miss the chance to absurdly increase their earnings due to lack of patience and anxiety in increasing earnings immediately.

Ezoic itself provides a timeline of how long it takes to perfect and optimize your site and increase your ad earnings. And the “minimum” timeframe they say is needed is 12 weeks.

Do I need to wait 12 weeks to increase my earnings?


This deadline of Ezoic is the time the tool needs to fully optimize your site.

But that's not to say that while your site is in that “trial” period, your site won't see an increase in earnings. It's quite relative, but in my case, for example, I saw an increase in earnings compared to Adsense since the first month.

And it increased more each month. I've been on Ezoic for almost 6 months now and I can say that every month my earnings were higher than the previous month's earnings.

To facilitate your understanding, I will put each Ezoic optimization step here disclosed by itself.

Time to Ezoic Optimization

According to ezoic himself:

The standard? normal optimization period for a website on the Ezoic system is 12 weeks. From there, improvements are produced as the system tests new layouts and gets smarter about what its users like best.

What might work wonderfully on one website might not work for its users, so we need to test and find out.

As with all scientific tests, we are constrained by the requirements of needing enough data to be able to make statistically relevant decisions.

While we see rises in a surprisingly short time, it doesn't typically happen overnight.

The higher the volume of visitors tested and the longer the period of time devoted to testing, the greater the likelihood of long-term success with Ezoic.

Discovery (weeks 1-3)

During this time, Ezoic is collecting data about your site and the performance of several key layout changes.

Performance during this period typically ranges from slightly below to slightly above the performance of your old site.

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You will often see a slight improvement during this time.

Optimization (weeks 4-12)

Ezoic has learned quite a bit about its site and its visitors, but still doesn't know as much as it needs to.

Once Ezoic learns a little more, you'll see a marked improvement in results, followed by 6-8 weeks of steady improvement.

Perfection (Week 12+)

The Ezoic platform is always testing and always learning.

Most sites see gradual month-to-month improvements for eternity. You get the benefit of continuous testing and improvements that an entire team of engineers and data scientists deliver every month. You should mentally prepare to give Ezoic at least 12 weeks to demonstrate its full potential.

We speed up the process as much as we can using statistical clustering, etc., but we are at the mercy of math as the variance in results is very high on smaller data samples.

Because of this, in a review of past editors, we've determined that the number one factor in the success or failure of a site on the Ezoic platform is time – the less time given to the system to produce a result, the less likely it is to succeed.

Optimization over time

Ezoic continues to test other well performing variants against the best performing variant to ensure it remains the best as determined by user behavior.

So testing continues, albeit more subtly, to include lessons learned from other sites and take into account new platform technologies, devices, etc.

During this phase, most users see the 'best' layout and a smaller proportion of traffic is directed to other variants. It is a process of continuous and systematic improvement.

Reference: Ezoic TimeLine

Adsense vs Ezoic Earnings Report

Let's get to the part that many of you want to see, in fact, the difference in practice between adsense and ezoic.

Come on, in order to make everything very transparent I will share the reports of both platforms during certain periods of time so that you can see the evolution of each one of them and their differences.

despite the Partiu Disney Parks been around for many years, our focus has always been greater on social media, until the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the borders closed, you start to focus on the site and with that your accesses and earnings increased, as we can see in this graph on adsense in the period of 3 years:

Adsense Earnings Report – Adsense vc Ezoic

This is to say that we will only focus on gains from 2021 onwards, as before that they were not significant.

Well, taking the year 2021, we arrived at a total of US$ 589 dollars from January to July, July being the month I migrated to the Ezoic.

Quickly evaluating the adsense graph, we can see that earnings also increased every month and with 2 big peaks, in May and July, which were the biggest daily gains I had so far, as we can clearly see in the image below :

Adsense Earnings Report – Adsense vc Ezoic

To improve our analysis, let's break the earnings month by month in order to get a better evaluation!

Adsense earnings from January to July 2021

Adsense Earnings January 2021

Adsense Earnings January 2021 – Adsense vc Ezoic
  • earnings : US$31.75
  • Page Views: 11.500

Adsense Earnings February 2021

  • earnings: US$63.37
  • Page Views: 11.800

Adsense Earnings March 2021

  • earnings: US$22.75
  • Page Views: 15.999

Adsense Earnings April 2021

  • earnings: US$55.61
  • Page Views: 22.317

Adsense Earnings May 2021

  • earnings: US$117.89
  • Page Views: 38.235

Adsense Earnings June 2021

  • earnings: US$166.61
  • Page Views: 39.138

Adsense Earnings July 2021

Adsense Earnings July 2021 – Adsense vc Ezoic
  • earnings: US$131.26
  • Page Views: 22.373

It is worth mentioning that the month of July was only until the 18th, when the migration to the Ezoic, as we can see in the image above.

Cool, you can get a general idea of how much I received on Adsense, right?

I need to say that doing this report I realized the immense increase I had migrating to ezoic.

I thought I had considerably increased my traffic and so my earnings had gone up a lot, however in the last few months of Adsense, my traffic was practically the same as I have now with Ezoic and my monthly earnings have increased immensely, let's see.

Ezoic earnings from July to December 2021

Well, just like I did before. I'm going to open the general graph of how much the gains were from July to December and then we'll see the month-by-month report.

Ezoic Earnings Report – Adsense vc Ezoic

Well, as we can see, even in a shorter time frame than Adsense, my earnings were more than 3 times higher.

Of course, if we compare my traffic from January 2021 and December 2021 we will see a big difference, so we will open month by month, so we can compare the months that had similar traffic.

It is also worth mentioning that exactly as the Ezoic says, the tool learns the best settings and increases its gains over time and for me this was more than true. Let's check.

Ezoic Earnings July 2021

Ezoic Earnings July 2021 – Adsense vc Ezoic

Well, it was the month of migration and the gains started to be computed here from the 19th of July. It is worth mentioning that in addition, in the first few weeks I had a lot of configuration work, after all it was a totally different tool for me, so I did a series of tests and had a lot of volatility in the gains due to that.

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Even so, the increase in monthly average earnings was very consistent, let's check it out.

  • earnings: US$60.01
  • Page Views: 16.287

Ezoic Earnings August 2021

  • earnings: US$191.36
  • Page Views: 39.087

Ezoic Earnings September 2021

  • earnings: US$231.57
  • Page Views: 38.040
Ezoic Earnings September 2021 – Adsense vc Ezoic

Ezoic Earnings October 2021

  • earnings: US$361.35
  • Page Views: 46.255

Ezoic Earnings November 2021

  • earnings: US$483.28
  • Page Views: 41.435

Ezoic Earnings December 2021

  • earnings: US$526.89
  • Page Views: 47.493

We can see that although there was an increase in traffic in general, the gains would increase significantly even without the increase in traffic.

Some good examples to evaluate this is to compare the months of May and June in Adsense with August and September in ezoic because these 4 months had practically identical traffic.

But if we evaluate the earnings, adding up the 2 months we would have U$284.50 of earnings for those 2 months on adsense and U$422.93 on ezoic.

This is a great comparison because even being within the top 3 of ezoic, when the platform is still optimizing its earnings, we noticed a very significant increase.

Ezoic Earnings 2022

Well, like every beginning of the year, gains tend to fall sharply.

As Ezoic it was no different, my December revenue of $$526.89 dropped to $363.

This oscillation is expected.

For those not yet very used to ad earnings, there are naturally better months than others.

This is due to several factors, but mainly to the festive holidays and the end of the fiscal year of the advertising companies.

These are the factors that most influence how much they will spend on your ads.

Throughout this year I will update this post!

Ezoic Earnings January 2022

  • earnings: US$363.12
  • Page Views: 51.250

Ezoic Earnings February 2022

In February, my earnings were the best I've ever had and I set a new record for both hits and revenue.

This made me even more eager to continue investing in the blog!

This was very important to me, especially considering that February is a shorter month than the others.

earnings: US$644.64
Page Views: 66.077

Ezoic Earnings March 2022 (Upgraded to Level 3)

Well, I still can't actually include this month's report because at that moment the month hasn't ended yet.

But I already wanted to include this session to share that thanks to the increase in earnings and traffic, I was promoted to Level 3 on ezoic.

In addition, I had a call with Ezoic to carry out an audit on my website in order to increase my earnings and accesses, so everything indicates that March could be a good month.

I'm thinking of creating an ezoic consultancy to help newbies to set it up right and maximize their earnings.

So if you want to join the channel, click here!

And if you want to submit your site for approval on ezoic, click here!

Ezoic vs Adsense Comparison Summary

Overall for me it was a very significant increase even if we don't consider the increase in traffic.

In general, what adsense earned me in 6 months I now do monthly with Ezoic and I believe it has the potential for this value to increase even more.

My focus remains on creating quality content for my readers and of course a financial return is important to keep this blog on the air and that is the reason that leads me to look for better sources of income for the blog.

If you are thinking about starting your travel blog, I suggest you check out our post on how to start a travel blog here!

If you already have a blog and want to try out ezoic, I recommend that you submit your site for approval clicking on this link, configure everything correctly and be patient, the gains come from good content and blogs configured correctly.

If you have any questions about both earnings and settings in ezoic, feel free to look for us here in the comments or contact us by email.

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

6 thoughts on “Ezoic vs Adsense | Ganhos com Anúncios em Blog de Viagem”

  1. I configured one of my sites with it and it's on the screen of waiting 10 working days, I'm anxious to see if it will work in my pet niche. anything can go back just to adsense and let's go

    • It pays both ways, but in the reports you don't have to worry about that because what you see is always the average per thousand hits, called epmv!


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