Filling up your car in Orlando: know how to do it

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Written By Carlos Braga

Refuel your car in Orlando can be a bit scary for inexperienced travelers. Because in the United States (USA) gas stations work a little differently than in Brazil.

In view of this, check out tips to not get wrapped up in this moment and see how simple it is.

Orlando It is a tourist destination that attracts thousands of visitors. There, you will find a variety of entertainment options.

But, many people wonder what to do when the car runs out of gas. Thus, supplying in a different country can be a challenge.

Why rent a car in Orlando

The Orlando city It is very large and has several tourist attractions. It is no wonder that it is one of the most sought after destinations in the USA. On the other hand, its regions are very spread out, as well as the famous parks gives Disney World they are far apart.

Orlando Car Rental - The Complete Guide
Orlando Car Rental – The Complete Guide

The best alternative to enjoy all the best that the city has to offer is to rent a car.

And of course, we always recommend that your car rental be done on a trusted website. For those who like to solve everything online, we recommend the rent cars because in addition to being extremely reliable, you can compare prices between major rental companies and make the best car reservation for you and your group!

But if you are one of those people who prefer a personalized service, we recommend that you make your quote with our partner rental agency clicking here!

Secure your car reservation for Orlando here at the best price!

By the way, that way you don't waste time when moving from one point to another.

On the other hand, you will have the cost of fill up the car in Orlando.

You must be wondering if there is no public transport in the city. Or even taxi or Uber.

In fact there is, but there are some disadvantages of opting for these means. Take a look and see if it's worth renting a car or not.

Public transportation

Buses in the city charge even cheap fares. However, they are quite time consuming. Therefore, it is not worth spending 1h30 on public transport, as it would take only 20 minutes by car. What's more, you're in Orlando and you should make the most of it.

other means of transport

Paying for a taxi, Uber or even specific excursions is too expensive for your pocket.

If you put it on the tip of the pencil, you will see that, even having to fill up the car in Orlando, it is better to rent one at your own expense. So you can go wherever you want.

use hotel transport

Many Orlando hotels, especially Disney ones, have free transportation for their guests. Through them, you can be taken to the parks without any problem. However, there are disadvantages to using this service.

As these are hotel tours, you will have to adapt to their schedule. Not to mention that the chosen destination may not be what you wanted at the moment.

In addition, in high season seasons, the wait for transport can take about 40 minutes.

Orlando car rental
Orlando car rental

Remember that the Disney hotels lead only to the parks of the same. Therefore, you will have to pay for a taxi or bus to go to other tourist destinations.

So it's better to rent and fill up the car in Orlando than paying for these separate paths.

Hotels that have this service

Some hotels in Orlando have a shuttle service to the parks included.

Therefore, for those who only want to visit these parks, this can be a good option. See which hotels offer free transportation.

  • Disney;
  • Universal;
  • Clarion Inn Lake Buena Vista;
  • Wyndham Bonnet Creek.

Rent a car before traveling

although I have to fill up the car in Orlando if you rent one, this is the best way to enjoy your vacation.

So you don't lose anything and gain more convenience and flexibility. Even better is to rent one before you even travel.

By planning and including a vehicle rental in your budget, you have a lot to gain. This gives you the chance to research more and secure the best price.

Mercedes Benz - Rent a Car in Orlando
Mercedes Benz – Rent a Car in Orlando

In view of this, compare the values and find more advantageous promotions and rates.

Another positive point is that you will have more time to study the subject. As a result, you will be better prepared to drive in the city.

In parallel, you will learn to fill up the car in Orlando faster.

Benefits of renting a car before the trip

Check out other benefits of renting a car before traveling. Remembering that you should look for responsible and known companies. That way, you won't fall for blows:

  • Price research;
  • Know about the reputation of the company where you rent;
  • Demand and demand;
  • Upgrades;
  • Save by paying in advance;
  • Time (no need to face company queues).
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Advantages of Renting a Car in Orlando

See that the best option is to rent a car. So, you will have the opportunity to visit many more places in a shorter time.

Although I have to spend the fill up the car in Orlando. However, there are many advantages, please note:

  • Convenience;
  • Flexibility of hours;
  • Speed to reach tourist destinations;
  • Comfort on the journey;
  • Not depending on others;
  • Control the budget.

Disadvantages of renting a car in Orlando

As everything in life has two sides, there are minor drawbacks to renting a car. However, they are no obstacle to stop your trip from being wonderful.

  • Extra expenses that you will have to put in the Budget;
  • Pay parking;
  • Spend on fuel;
  • Refuel your car in Orlando (which can cause some discomfort, as gas stations there work a little differently than in Brazil);
  • Adapt to North American traffic laws (of course, because it is another country, its laws are different from here);
  • Use the GPS to get around (as it is an unknown city, you have to use it so you don't get lost);
  • Pay an extra fee to be able to drive if you are under 25 years of age (as they believe you are inexperienced and are more at risk of crashing your car).

How to fill up your car in Orlando

A worrying situation for a tourist who rents a car to get around the city is what to do when the gas runs out.

So it seems obvious that the solution is to find a post and fill up the car in Orlando. However, some difficulties may be encountered with this.

The first is that for someone who does not speak English, it is difficult to say what is needed in a position.

In addition to being complicated to read the signs and directions on the way. However, you can turn to dictionaries to help you.

Another frightening issue at first is that the stations in the US do not have gas station attendants.

That is, to fill up the car in Orlando, you need to take the hose and fill the tank yourself. However, you will soon see how easy it is to do this.

What types of fuel pumps to fill the car in Orlando

Before learning to fill up the car in Orlando, learn about the types of pumps available at gas stations.

This is important so you don't get confused when filling the tank:

  • Pump with three hoses (each one provides a different type of fuel);
  • Pump with a hose (fuel type must be selected on the panel)

Pay attention to the gasoline you intend to put in. So, be careful not to pick up the wrong hose during the process.

To save money, it is important to know which fuel is the cheapest when fill up the car in Orlando.

Because there are no gas attendants to fill up the car in Orlando

One of the most curious things for those traveling to Orlando for the first time is that the stations do not have gas station attendants.

Therefore, the service works as a kind of gasoline self-service.

This is common across the country. Therefore, there they do not have this custom of working filling up cars at gas stations.

In this way, to fill up the car in Orlando you will have to carry out the whole process yourself.

The gas station attendant is not required in the city. This is due to the local culture, which has not adhered to this work since the beginning of the cities.

Also the type of service offered, which works as prepaid self-service.

Step by step to fill up your car in Orlando

At first glance, it can be a little apprehensive to fill the tank in a way that you are not used to.

However, with the tips below you will see how simple and even faster it can be. Well, an advantage is not having to wait for the attendant to serve you.

Stop the car

The first step to fill up the car in Orlando is to stop right next to the gas pump. Well, these have a very short hose.

Another tip is to check the side of the fuel tank door so you don't have to maneuver if you stop on the opposite side.

Insert card and information

After parking, it's time to insert the payment card in the indicated ?insert card? if you choose to pay by credit.

Now, if it's in cash, the process is different (see below). Soon after, choose the type of gasoline you want and the pump will be released.


For fill up the car in Orlando, insert the pump into the car's tank and activate the lock so you don't have to keep squeezing.

Then wait to fill to the chosen amount or until it is full. In both cases, the pump stops automatically.

Refuel your car in Orlando with a credit card

At the time to fill up the car in Orlando, you can choose to pay by credit card or cash.

If you choose the first one, there's no secret, just go to the gas station and enter the requested information. See how easy it is in the step-by-step below:

  • Insert the card in the place indicated ?insert card?;
  • The pump will ask for your ?zip code? (CEP), then enter the first five digits of it (some zip codes are not accepted, see below what to do);
  • If accepted, choose the gasoline you want (remembering that regular gasoline is cheaper;
  • Remove the hose from the support (in some cases you have to lift the lever that secures it);
  • Insert the hose into the tank (activate the lock so you don't have to tighten it);
  • Return the hose to the holder when finished and the pump display will show ?Do you want a receipt? YES or NO? (Do you want receipt? YES or NO?).

What to do if you ask for the zip code and it is not accepted

As mentioned, the zip code is usually asked when the card is inserted. Then fill in with the first five numbers of it.

However, if not accepted, you can try with the number of the hotel where you are staying.

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What happens, however, is that most gas stations do not accept credit cards from Brazil as a form of payment. That way, if the hotel's zip code doesn't work either, the best way is to pay cash at the fill up the car in Orlando.

Fuel up your car in Orlando with cash

If you have not been able to pay by card, the solution is to pay with cash. So, see how to do it in a simple and fast way even if you don't master English well. Check out the steps below.

  • Stop in front of a pump, memorize its number and go to the convenience store;
  • Tell the attendant the value you want and the pump number (say pump and say or show the number and value you are going to put);
  • Return to the car and the pump will be released (attention, you have three minutes to start filling up, otherwise it will stop again);
  • Choose gasoline;
  • Take the hose off the support and insert it into the tank;
  • After reaching the desired value (and the hose stops) store it in the holder again;
  • The message ?Do you want a receipt? YES or NO? (Do you want receipt? YES or NO?), press YES if desired. 

What to do if you paid more than fit in the tank

Have you ever thought if you fill up the car in Orlando and overpay your car's tank.

This can happen, as payment is made before supply. However, don't worry, it can be fixed.

Just go back to the convenience store and ask the attendant for change from the pump where you filled the tank.

So remember to memorize the pump number so you don't have any mistakes. So, this situation is very common and simple to solve.

How much do you need to fill a tank when filling up your car in Orlando

To the fill up the car in Orlando, look at fuel prices and choose what you want.

However, one thing you should know is that in this city (as in the entire US), gasoline is not sold by the liter, but by the gallon.

But don't worry, to know how much better to put, just calculate how many liters correspond to a gallon.

Therefore, 1 gallon is equivalent to 3.78 liters. That is, if you know how many liters to put in, just convert to gallons.

Remembering that the capacity of the tank will depend on the car and how much gas is left.

Therefore, check with the vehicle owner before renting. As well as, look for information about the other items of the car so you don't have unforeseen.

How long does it take to refuel your car in Orlando

the time spent for fill up the car in Orlando is the same as anywhere else in the world.

However, it should be known that when the pump is released, you only have three minutes to start filling. Otherwise, it will crash again.

When the amount requested in the payment is reached, or if the tank is full, the pump stops automatically.

Then, she will make a noise to inform the client of her breakup. Then, just store the hose in the holder and discover the beauties of the city.

Where to fill up your car in Orlando

The city of Orlando has the most famous parks in the world.

Therefore, there are several tourist attractions that are worth visiting. not only the parks, but also the number of gas stations is varied.

There are service stations spread throughout the city, giving the customer infinite choice.

However, the best known and recommended for fill up the car in Orlando, are:

  • Shell;
  • Exxon;
  • Texaco; 
  • 7 Eleven.

Fuels and prices to fill up your car in Orlando

One more reason to want fill up the car in Orlando is the price of fuel.

In this wonderful city, gas costs less than in Brazil. So, you can walk a lot for little money.

When choosing fuel, know that, generally, there are three most common types. The third is the most purchased and the cheapest. Check out:

  • Premium;
  • Plus;
  • Regular.

The regular one is the cheapest and is usually identified by the number 87. So, if you intend to run a lot, this is the best option. In addition, this fuel is the most economical for fill up the car in Orlando.

What is the difference between filling up the car in Orlando and in Brazil

Refuel your car in Orlando for those who are not used to it it can be a little strange.

In summary, as you noticed, there are some differences in relation to our country. So, check out a summary of what they are to help you with this:

  • In Orlando, there is no gas station, so you must fill up on your own. While here in Brazil, it exists.
  • In this city fuel is cheaper;
  • Gasoline is measured in gallons and not in liters as in Brazil;
  • There is a kind of fuel self-service and the person makes the choice, the payment and if it ?fits? the same. In Brazil, gas station attendants carry out this work;
  • In Orlando, if you can't pay directly at the machine, you have to go to the convenience store.

Learn how to fill up your car in Orlando

Realize it's not that complicated fill up the car in Orlando how much it looks Soon, with a little attention and practice, you will be performing this function efficiently.

So, don't despair, do the steps above and everything will be fine.

It is important to learn how to fill the tank in unfamiliar cities. Well, you never know when an unforeseen event will arise. That way, you'll be prepared for any problems that may arise.

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

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In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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