Have a French dinner at Bistro de Paris, Epcot's restaurant

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Written By Carlos Braga

The Paris Bistro it is a restaurant which is located in Disney's EPCOT park. Thus, it is located in the France pavilion. For being in one of the best known, the Bistro is famous in the park. See what you can find at this restaurant.

Where to find Bistro de Paris

Paris Bistro is the old name of the place. However, after a renovation, the restaurant was renamed Monsieur Paul. Even so, visitors still often call it by its old name.

You can find the restaurant in the park Epcot. In it, there is a tour that passes through several pavilions based in different countries. So France is one of them.

Inside the pavilion there are many interesting attractions. Also, the French food is great and very well prepared.

That's why you can't miss this tour.

It is found above Les Chefs de France, another gourmet restaurant. That way, those who don't know that the bistro exists may not get to see it.

After all, it is a bit hidden, at the back of the building and close to L?Artisan des Glaces.

The Parisian atmosphere of the Bistro

As it is a more hidden restaurant, not many visitors come there. So, it's a calm and peaceful place. In addition, Disney managed to reproduce a Parisian atmosphere well.

The place is sophisticated and with good quality. Tourists who want to eat at Monsieur Paul should know that they are going to eat well. However, remember to include the expense in your planning.

The very structure of the restaurant brings an air of elegance. Something you can see in French buildings.

In other words, a traditional, classic and old decoration.

Those who sit by the window have a privileged view of the park.

After all, the restaurant is on the second floor. Plus, it's a great place to see the fireworks at the IllumiNations attraction.

Food at the Paris Bistro

France is well known for its culture, especially in terms of cuisine.

So, of course, Disney needs to know how to reproduce French dishes. Not only that, you also need to know how to maintain the sophistication of food.

Don't worry about the famous small plates of French gastronomy.

The Paris Bistro knows how to do it well. So, you will leave the place very satisfied.

The restaurant has many different types of food.

So, in the same meal you can order:

  • Appetizers and side dishes;
  • Galettes, a type of thin-crust pancake;
  • Main course with foods such as duck and veal chop;
  • Ice cream, cheese or macaron.

As the place is based on French cuisine, wine cannot be missed. In case you are already an adult, there is a selection of the best ones to choose from.

Fixed price menu at Bistro de Paris

There are many different options for you to order at Paris Bistro.

However, if you want a complete meal with starter, main course and dessert, there is a fixed price menu.

That is, you order three dishes for a predetermined price.

Before the starter, a tomato and mozzarella verrine is served. They take this name because they are dishes served in a glass.

Then it's time for the appetizers. So, there are two possible options to choose from:

  • truffle soup;
  • Lobster with sautéed mushrooms.

When it comes to the main course, there are three different options. However, they all contain meat. Are they:

  • Ribeye steak, which serves two people;
  • Lobster with sautéed mushrooms;
  • Lamb chop.

There is lobster in the starter and main course, but they are prepared in different ways. So you can try both recipes.

Finally, for dessert you can order the sweet you prefer.

Fixed price tasting menu

The prix fixe menu is great for first-time visitors who don't know what to order. However, another good choice may be the tasting.

After all, you can try all the house specialties for a predetermined price.

As it is only tasting, there is no main course and the food comes in smaller quantities. But this does not mean that they are insufficient.

In the end, there are so many meals that it's worth it.

There are six different main courses and, at the end, a dessert.

In addition, there is no way to choose food like the previous menu.

Among the foods served are scallops with fruit, escargot and peach soup. Even more, you can choose three different types of imported cheeses as a last course. Finally, dessert is your choice.

The wonders of French cuisine

The purpose of World showcase is to make you feel like you are in each country without having to leave the Disney parks. Therefore, the Paris Bistro connects the visitor with the essence of French cuisine.

You can try delicacies like filet mignon, escargot, duck breast, chocolate souffle and creme brulee. Then, get to know some of the dishes that are served at the restaurant.


At galettes are famous in France and are consumed even on commemorative dates.

For example, Galette des Rois is a pie made to commemorate the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus.

But nowadays it has become more of a tradition than a religious date.

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This type of food comes from the same family as crepes and pancakes. However, its dough is thin and uses buckwheat.

The dish can come in many different forms. For example, it can be a pie or imitate a pancake.

The best known figure is as if the galette formed a kind of bag, with the fillings inside it.

In the restaurant there are several types of dishes with galette to order. Among them, some options are:

  • Classic, with ham, egg and Swiss cheese;
  • Ratatouille, with tomato, zucchini and eggplant;
  • Chèvre, which is a cheese made with goat's milk, spinach and walnuts.

French pastries at the Paris Bistro

French cuisine is well known for its sweets. After all, it is even common for food lovers to go to France to study.

So Disney had to bring these specials to the French pavilion.

the most famous of Paris Bistro it's La Sphere.

Thus, a sphere of chocolate is made with a cake of the same flavor inside. Then, a hot chocolate syrup goes on top so that the sphere melts.

This is not the only known one, many also order Le Verrine Pomme Caramel.

That is, a glass that goes apple with green apple ice cream, vanilla cake and caramelized apples. At the end, a hot caramel syrup is poured on top.

There is still the option to choose macaron, another famous French sweet.

Thus, you finish your meal in the greatest possible French essence.

Wines and cheeses: the French specialty

A food very present in the life of the French are cheeses. Plus, they even make a dessert out of the food. Something that may seem strange to Brazilians who are used to sweet desserts.

At the Paris Bistro you can also choose cheese as a dessert.

Even more, you can choose between a board with six or three different types. O wine It's also great if you want to have the full French experience. After all, the country is known for its wineries.

Alcoholic beverages can add more to the tour if you are of legal age. So choose from a variety of wine and champagne options to make the most of it. But, of course, always in moderation.

Can children eat at the restaurant?

Disney draws attention primarily to children. They grow up with the movies and then dream of visiting the parks.

However, it can happen that some restaurants are not the best experience for them.

Children may prefer a more dynamic location.

For example, eating with the characters or receiving food in different formats. Otherwise, maybe she doesn't like it and gets bored faster.

Monsieur Paul might not be the best place because of this.

After all, it is a sophisticated restaurant where the child may not like the atmosphere so much.

But, you can still take it and enjoy the children's menu that the place has.

children's menu

At children can also enjoy the best of French cuisine. So the restaurant has a menu for them. Dishes are cheaper and the portions are smaller.

There are options for starters, main courses and desserts. Not as diverse as the adult menu. However, it is enough to cater for children.

Only two dishes are available as an aperitif. Then the child can decide between potato and meat croquettes or a ham, cheese and mushroom galette. Both served with salad.

For main course the choices are a little bigger. So there are three different options. Are they:

  • Fried chicken;
  • Baked Salmon;
  • Grilled loin with meat sauce.

Desserts are often the most anticipated part for children. Therefore, the children's menu has ice cream or chocolate mousse cake. In the end, your children are very well served and leave the restaurant happy.

New Year at the Paris Bistro

Many visitors choose to spend the new Year at Disney parks. Therefore, there are special attractions and meals in certain locations. O Paris Bistro is one of them.

Those who want to spend the New Year's holiday can choose to have supper at the restaurant. Thus, the value of dinner already has a fixed price and is usually more expensive than on a normal day.

In addition, you also have the option to order a wine along.

A legal feature of the World showcase is that they sometimes celebrate the new year in the country's time zone.

That is, you can spend the turn of the year at the same time as France.

Epcot is very popular for that date. Therefore, the park is usually full on these days. Even more, as there are many visitors, some end-of-the-year performances usually take place at World Showcase.

Anniversaries at the Bistro de Paris

Visitors look for the restaurant a lot for commemorative dates, such as birthdays. The most common are couples who decide to celebrate their years together.

After all, France is known for its romantic atmosphere.

The sophistication of the place and the fact that they are at Disney makes everything more magical.

So, inform the waiter about the event and he can recommend you an ideal dish or drink for the moment.

If it's your birthday, it's a good idea to let the staff know.

So you can receive your dessert with a happy birthday sung in French by the waiters.


The restaurant has an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere. However, it is inside the Disney parks. In other words, asking for a more chic outfit is too much.

You may want to assemble the full experience and wear a business attire. 

There is a minimum requirement of clothing that must be worn.

Therefore, there are also clothes that are not allowed, such as:

  • Shorts or T-shirts with offensive images or messages;
  • Swimwear or slippers;
  • Bathing suits, tank tops or torn clothes;
  • In the case of men, you cannot wear a hat.
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Jeans in good condition are allowed. So, pay attention to your attire when you want to go to the Paris Bistro.

But, always remember comfort, even more if you are walking through the parks.


The most recommended is to make your reservation in advance.

Thus, guarantee your place in the restaurant. Also, don't go through the disappointment of arriving and discovering that there are no more tables.

There are three different ways to make a reservation.

They all work quickly and easily. Are they:

  • From Disney's own website;
  • In the My Disney Experience app, but you must have a credit card saved in the app;
  • Disney Call Center.

look for the attendance if there is a problem when booking through the website or app. But don't worry about the language. There is an option where the service becomes in Portuguese.

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Chef Paul Bocuse's Foods

One of the first restaurants in the French pavilion was Les Chefs de France, in 1982. That is, as soon as Epcot opened.

In addition, the person responsible for the food was Paul Bocuse, a renowned chef.

Monsieur Paul is named after him. So every meal at the restaurant has a Paul Bocuse touch. This brings even more sophistication to the place.

With great culinary achievements, he was named the French Chef of the Century in 2011. What's more, he won three Michelin stars for his restaurant in France. Les Chefs de France was Bocuse's first work in America.

Paul passed away in 2018 and his son became the owner of the restaurant.

In addition, he is also the owner of Monsieur Paul since the name change.

French Experience Beyond Paris Bistro

Anyone who wants to feel more in France should still combine the Paris Bistro with other experiences. After all, there is an entire pavilion for you to explore.

Look for other places within the space to visit. That way, the trip will be much more worthwhile.


The best thing about the attractions at the French pavilion is that some of them take place on the streets. So you don't have to go through huge lines to watch the shows.

You can find artists performing with music or juggling.

In addition, they also do role plays.

There are still attractions based on famous Disney movies. For example, from Beautiful and the Beast or Ratatouille. To improve, the Ratatouille attraction is in 4D, which allows the visitor to smell it in addition to watching the presentation.

France is not the same without the Eiffel Tower.

That's why there's a copy of it in the French pavilion. So, don't forget to take several photos to complete the whole experience.

other foods

Go through Paris Bistro It's great for a full meal. But, there are great options for when you feel hungry outside of lunch and dinner hours.

Boulangerie Patisserie sells sweet and savory foods. Also, it's like a bakery where you can find a variety of delicious foods.

Inside the French pavilion there is also the L?Artisan des Glaces.

In other words, a French ice cream shop, good to buy and continue the walk through the park. Even more, it is considered one of the best ice creams in all of Epcot.

You can also choose another French specialty: crepes. La Crêperie de Paris serves the best, with sweet and savory options.

Shops in the French Pavilion

Don't forget to leave the park and take a souvenir. Therefore, there are several Shops for you to choose various products. The options range from basic objects, such as t-shirts and keychains, to bags and famous perfumes.

To buy souvenirs, the best store is Souvenirs de France. There you can buy mugs, berets or miniatures of the Eiffel Tower. That is, also perfect for gifting someone.

La Signature, on the other hand, sells perfumes from big brands such as Givenchy and Chanel.

But, you can also find common fragrances at a lower price.

In addition, there is also Plume and Palette, which in addition to perfumes, has designer bags.

The store that brings the greatest essence of France is Les Vins de France. In other words, a place with different types of wine for you to take home. The French experience is complete.

Experience à la française

Combining Monsieur Paul with the pavilion is the best choice. Thus, you get in touch with the culture without having to travel further.

So be sure to visit Epcot to ensure the best tour.

For more fun you can even visit the other countries that are around.

For example, Canada, Germany or China. With this, you know more about the culture around the world.

Remember to make a reservation for the restaurant in advance.

That way, your place is already guaranteed. Then, just arrive to enjoy the best of French cuisine.

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About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

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In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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