How Much Money to Bring to Disney – Complete Guide

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Written By Carlos Braga

Many people plan but don't know how much money to take to disney. This amazing place is the dream of many people.

However, as with any big trip, it needs good planning.

To take a chance on this script, it is important to note a few things first. How much money you will need to take and where you will be staying are some points that must be programmed.

In addition to them, there are some recommendations that can help you, follow along.

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Getting Started

Before starting to travel, it is necessary to plan what will be done to avoid problems and unnecessary expenses. So, the price of some things can be searched, such as:

It is necessary to purchase or reserve the above items in advance to facilitate your trip. The advantage of researching them online is that you can compare prices from each location.

before you know how much money to take to disney, it is important to investigate further about where you will be going. Plus which places to visit when you're there.

So you can do a quick search on some travel sites, for example.

american visa

Before knowing the value of traveling to the park of dreams, it is important to see how much you will pay for the visa. 

It is currently costing around 160 dollars, which would be the equivalent of R$800.00. However, it is one price per person. In addition, your payment can be made by credit card, bank slip, telephone or at the branches.

How much money to bring to Disney: Passport

Another cost you will need to calculate to see how much money to take to disney it's the passport.

It is coming out to R$257.25 per person, also including minors such as children and babies.

Orlando International Airport
Orlando International Airport

Ticket price

The flight ticket is currently costing around R$3,000 individually. However, its price usually varies, as there are times of greater demand and others, less. As an example, moments outside of festive periods when the value is cheaper.

If you are looking to save money, there are also promotions throughout the year. Many are advertised on travel websites or on social networks. 


Baggage is also an expense in going to Disney charged on trips. In which, each value will depend on the weight of the suitcase and quantity. However, if you go alone, you will pay less. In addition, if purchased electronically, the cost is also more economical.

places to stay

One of the things to know about how much money to take to disney is to see where you will stay.

There are several forms of lodging to accommodate and that will depend on your budget and preference. After all, there are the most expensive and the cheapest. They can be:

  • Hotels;
  • rented houses;
  • Resorts;
  • Hostels;
  • Inns;
  • Condos.

How much money to bring to Disney: Hotels

Hotel prices can vary greatly.

They range from R$200.00 to R$1280.00 or more.

Their choice will be according to your search for comfort, luxury and rooms. However, there are many that are very affordable and of great quality.

Something we always recommend is book your hotel as soon as possible. So you already guarantee good prices and can plan the rest of your trip with peace of mind.

And of course, for your reservation we always recommend that you make it in reliable places like or expedite and avoid falling into robbery!

For hotel, we recommend that you make your reservation through, which is one of the best websites for hotel reservations and with the best prices. See the list of prices and available hotels here.

If you are looking for savings, in addition to curiosity how much money to take to disney, it is interesting to take someone, or even a lot of people, because it is possible to share the cost of accommodation and pay a much lower price.

rented houses

These rooms will also depend on what you want to spend and what you are looking for. The price is also variable, and there are luxury, intermediate and simpler ones. 

The cheapest are R$403.00 per night, with one bedroom and one bathroom. While the most luxurious can go for R$4,077.00 with six bedrooms and bathrooms. However, the choice can be made online, making it easier to compare the characteristics and prices of each one.

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Resorts

You can search for resorts if you want one. experience more unforgettable without even knowing how much money to take to disney, because they are places prepared to include events, gyms, swimming pools, in addition to lodging, as well as hotels.

Their value also fluctuates a lot, between R$378.00 to R$3,275, for example. However, there may still be smaller or larger values. 



For those who want to travel alone and want to save money, hostels are the best.

These shared rooms are popular with people looking to meet new people. However, they can also be luxurious or more modest.

How much money to bring to Disney: Pousadas

If you are looking for more comfort and tranquility, the inns are great options. There are several models, from the simplest to the most ostentatious. They usually host fewer people because they are smaller and reach, at most, up to 3 floors.

The service in these places is usually more familiar than in hotels or resorts. However, they also have fewer attractions and events. On the other hand, they are great places to relax and include in the budget of how much money to take to disney.

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These establishments are similar to apartments in condominiums.

However, they also offer resort or hotel services such as cleaning and breakfast. They may also have a swimming pool or even gyms.

If you prefer more freedom and privacy, these are the best. Likewise, its services are chosen by the customer.

In addition, the values are similar to those of other accommodations.

How much money to bring to Disney: Distance from the park

Before going to one of these places, it is important to research the distance it will be from the park, because this characteristic usually influences its value when you plan on going there. how much money to take to disney.

The more distant ones are usually cheaper.

Some regions are ideal for accommodation because they are very close to the Disney. Among them, we have Lake Buena Vista, which is about 10 minutes away from the park.

It has good inns and, despite being close, its price is considered affordable.

Another cool area to stay is International Drive. Its size is quite extensive and it is 15 to 20 minutes away from Disney.

Fall in values

Currently, the price of many accommodations has dropped significantly due to the pandemic. This way, you can attract more guests and keep these places running. However, they follow with a reduced limit of people to avoid agglomerations of people.

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Park Ticket

The tickets are considered more expensive. However, it is even understandable because it is a place with so many attractions, themes and incredible infrastructure.

And it is a value to observe by calculating how much money to take to disney.

The most recommended thing is to buy them at Brazilian agencies, as their value tends to be cheaper.

This is because there are promotions and offers that facilitate the purchase. In addition to being able to search on the best sites, such as agencies specializing in travel.

Doubt sites that offer many promotions and research if they are specialized. Some put an amount to be charged in addition to what you will already pay.

before you know how much money to take to disney, look for those who mediate directly with the park. 

If you want to buy them exclusively on the park's website, you must have an international card.

In this way, the ticket will be paid directly in dollars, with cash payment, being cheaper. 


In general, tickets cost R$584.97 per day in a park. 

Now, the ideal option is to buy them in advance, because at the box office the value can be even more expensive, because sometimes some other fee is added.

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Getting There

Upon arriving in Orlando, you might want to see a few places beyond the park. So it's good to know them, know how to find them and the value of each thing. In addition to studying before how much money to take to disney.

What to visit

While you don't go to the park, there are many places and establishments that you can visit. Among them, we have:

  • Restaurants, 
  • Supermarkets, 
  • Pharmacies;
  • Movie theaters;
  • Hospitals (in urgent cases).

How Much Money to Take to Disney: Where to Eat

Despite the variety of food in the lodgings where you will stay, there are also numerous restaurants in Orlando.

So, if you choose a day, you can meet them in the city and see which ones you like the most. 

There are many options to know how much money to take to disney. They range from the most affordable to the most refined. In the park they are usually more expensive, but if you want to know, it is also a great alternative.

An example of a restaurant with good and very cheap food is Perkins. It is great for those looking for healthier and more homemade food.

Now, if you're just looking for a quick snack, you might like Panda Express. Both come from R$10.00 to R$15.00.

If you want sophistication, you can go to some, like Kres Chophouse or The Capital Grille. They are beautiful and fine places, but with a slightly higher price.

However, the food and service are also great to see. how much money to take to disney.

Monorail at Disney World
Monorail at Disney World

how to get around

It is very important to assess which means of transport will be used when you are there. The most common ones used in the city are:

  • Uber;
  • Taxis;
  • Buses;
  • Vans;
  • Rental cars.

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Uber 

A good alternative to get around Orlando is to use Uber to hail cars. The advantage is that the application you already have here in Brazil doesn't even need to be uninstalled. That is, it can be the same. In addition, there is also its competitor, Lyft.

before you know how much money to take to disney, you need to understand that the race is not paid in cash there. Even, despite the custom of giving tip to the driver. To do this, you can buy a gift card if you want to avoid credit cards.

So that the price is not too expensive, it is important not to go to very distant places. So it depends on where you choose to stay.


There are plenty of taxis in Orlando, so you won't have a problem getting around. However, their value is usually a little more expensive.

So it's something to consider before figuring it out. how much money to take to disney.

How much money to take to Disney: Bus

There are a few bus lines that circulate Orlando. An example of them is the company Lynx.

The ticket price is super cheap. It is around 2 dollars per adult, 1 for children and 0.25 for seniors.

The benefits of using these means of transport are that they are very cheap, but there are few points at Disney, so the journey is more difficult, as well as time consuming.


Some transports are great for groups of people. However, if used alone, $100 can come out and back.

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On the other hand, it is very cheap if used in a group, and can reach less than 15 dollars. In addition to Vans, also included are:

  • Shuttles;
  • Transfers

Cars for rent

Some cars you can rent even before you are there through websites dedicated to this. The best thing to do is rent the ones that already come with the insurance value together.

Art of Animation - Lion King Session - Departed Disney Parks 3
Art of Animation – Lion King Session – Partiu Disney Parks 3

And of course, we always recommend that your car rental be done on a trusted website. For those who like to solve everything online, we recommend the rent cars because in addition to being extremely reliable, you can compare prices between major rental companies and make the best car reservation for you and your group!

But if you are one of those people who prefer a personalized service, we recommend that you make your quote with our partner rental agency clicking here!

Secure your car reservation for Orlando here at the best price!

This is because it can be charged even more if you pay when you are in Orlando.

If you want cheaper values to include in how much money to take to disney, you need to rent them well in advance.

Thus, you will have more varieties, being able to find a more economical one. 

Car rental prices can vary greatly.

In 5 days of hosting there, you pay from R$2,924.00 to 2,110.35.

This is comparing each car. However, it is essential to do a good research and compare the values and characteristics of each one.

Disney hotel parking
Disney hotel parking

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Parking Lots

Disney is among 4 parks, which are Universal, Sea World and Legoland. and each has its own parking lot, but as they are together, you only pay for parking in one park and can enjoy the others.

To park your car at Disney you will pay according to the type of transport. In which, each one has a value, and they can be:

  • Car;
  • Trailer;
  • Motorcycle;
  • Shuttle.

To know how much money to take to disney, prices for cars and motorcycles are R$25.00 per day.

While for trailers and Shuttle they are R$50.00. However, if you don't want to pay for parking, you can stay in the park's own hotels.

Travel insurance 

Before going to Disney it is essential that you buy international travel insurance.

It will cover possible inconveniences that may occur during the tour. By using it, you will feel safer and you will have assistance in case of unforeseen events.

They are not usually mandatory in some places, although it is interesting to have them, as they also cover medical services. This is because health care is usually very expensive abroad, so it helps a lot.

That said, the travel insurance that we recommend for your trip is the one offered by World Nomads. They have great coverage, great pricing, and wonderful support.

Get your Travel Insurance Quote here!

Everything we look for in a good Travel insurance! So make your online quote for your Travel Insurance and ensure great coverage for you and your family.

It covers everything from lost luggage, medical expenses and accidents.

And to contact you when you need it, just call the insurance company. Its value is coming out on average from R$5 to R$45 per day. 

How Much Money to Bring to Disney: Schedule Yourself Before

To know how much money to take to disney you need to do a lot of research. And there are several travel sites or even Disney's own city.

Some show the restaurants, hospitals and various attractions there.

Space Mountain - Magic Kingdom
Space Mountain – Magic Kingdom

You can find out well about where you will be staying, locations and how to get to the park. And it's important to have a car, because the city is quite big and so is the park.

Some things need to be top priority to plan for Disney.

Mainly those related to documentation, such as tickets, visa and passport. However, you can choose rented accommodation and transportation options within your budget.

After all, how much money to take to Disney?

To calculate how much money to take to Disney, you need to choose which services you intend to use. Plus how long you want to stay there.

In a super economical trip of 5 days you can spend around 15,000. This taking advantage of cheaper hotels, sharing Vans and avoiding other places and restaurants.

Now, if your intention is to enjoy the trip with a little luxury, then you can go up to 25,000.

However, if you are looking for even more luxury, the value will be much more expensive. So, everything will depend on the choices you make, because the value is something very relative.

The important thing is to know how much you will pay for the visa, passport, ticket and ticket. Which will come out around R$4642.22. The value of travel insurance usually varies, so it will depend on how much you will be charged. And the rest will come out as you choose.

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

I hope again that this post helped you in your research for your trip to Disney or Orlando.

As a way to help us keep the blog going, we just ask you to help us by sharing this publication and subscribing to our social networks as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube channel.

In addition to helping us, we are sure that there you will find hundreds of useful posts for your trip!

About the Author Carlos Braga:

Unparalleled experience in Orlando and Disney! As a former Universal Orlando team member and a passionate devotee of the magic of Disney, I have become a true Orlando travel expert. Before becoming a renowned travel consultant dedicated to Orlando, I had already made hundreds of visits to the parks, cultivating my knowledge and passion mainly over the last 7 years as a consultant and specialist in Disney travel.

My journey into this enchanted world began in 1995, when I took my first trip to Orlando. Since then, my love for Disney and the city has only grown. In 2023, we celebrate the sixth anniversary of 'Partiu Disney Parks', consolidating our role as one of the main sources of information about Disney and Orlando Parks.

During these six years of existence, we have continued to offer quality and updated content, being the reliable source for all those looking for essential information to plan their trip to Disney and Orlando. With my vast experience and passion for this magical destination, I am here to guide you every step of the way towards the most incredible Orlando and Disney experience!

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